
Soonbound wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs paper
Maanbull succeeded in round 1 with paper vs rock! The tie has been broken by Maanbull.

Round 2

scissors vs rock
Maanbull used rock and that is better than scissors!

Round 3

paper vs rock
Soonbound choose paper and that beats rock! Soonbound is making it back into it!

Round 4

paper vs paper
What's with the obsession with paper!
scissors vs scissors
Zzzz. Scissors? Seriously?!
paper vs paper
Really? Don't keep trying paper!
paper vs scissors
Soonbound lost with paper up against scissors.

Round 5

rock vs rock
Zzz. Rock? Boooooring!
paper vs rock
Soonbound has won round 5! Paper defeats rock! Soonbound changed the score to 2 - 3.

Round 6

scissors vs scissors
What? Don't keep picking scissors.
rock vs scissors
Maanbull failed with scissors vs rock!

Round 7

paper vs rock
Rock destroys paper! Oh? paper defeats rock! Maanbull has put themselves behind.

Round 8

paper vs paper
Zzzzzz. Paper? Once again!
scissors vs scissors
Again? Don't keep choosing scissors!
rock vs scissors
Maanbull tried scissors but couldn't beat rock. Soonbound is pulling away.

Excellent match. Soonbound has done it 5 - 3!

Game ended April 9th 2019 at 21:35 UTC