
Dre wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

paper vs paper
What? Stop trying paper!
scissors vs scissors
What is with all the scissors!
paper vs rock
Round 1 belongs to Dre with a genius paper. It's no longer all square!

Round 2

scissors vs scissors
What's with all the scissors.
paper vs paper
Dre and Idk each chose paper!
scissors vs rock
Idk has won round 2! Rock wipes out scissors!

Round 3

rock vs paper
Dre lost with rock vs paper! Dre has gone behind!

Round 4

rock vs scissors
Round 4 won by Dre vs scissors! Idk has said goodbye to their advantage!

Round 5

paper vs paper
Everybody continues trying paper.
paper vs rock
Idk lost with rock vs paper! The tie has been broken by Dre!

Round 6

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Seriously?!
scissors vs paper
Round 6 taken by Dre using a great scissors! Dre expands their advantage!

Round 7

scissors vs rock
Idk has only gone and taken round 7! Rock beats scissors!

Round 8

rock vs scissors
Round 8 belongs to Dre versus scissors. Dre is pulling away!

Excellent game. Dre has won it 5 - 3!

Game ended March 27th 2019 at 21:28 UTC