
Lasse wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

paper vs rock
Rock wipes out paper! Wait? paper takes down rock. Lasse is now ahead.

Round 2

rock vs paper
Round 2 belongs to Mikkel against rock.

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
Everyone keeps selecting scissors.
rock vs scissors
Lasse has won it! Rock beats scissors.

Round 4

rock vs rock
Everybody is always choosing rock!
paper vs paper
Zzzz. Paper? Boooooring!
paper vs scissors
Mikkel threw scissors and that destroys paper! Mikkel equalized the matchup!

Round 5

rock vs scissors
Lasse tried rock which is better than scissors.

Good set. Lasse has won it 3 - 2.

Game ended August 3rd 2009 at 21:01 UTC