
vampyrepain wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs paper
Lkg took round 1 with paper against rock. Lkg has put themselves in front.

Round 2

paper vs paper
Everybody continues using paper!
paper vs rock
Vampyrepain used paper and that beats rock!

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
Vampyrepain and lkg both tried scissors.
rock vs scissors
Vampyrepain won with rock and that defeats scissors!

Round 4

paper vs paper
You people are always choosing paper.
rock vs rock
Everybody is always choosing rock!
rock vs paper
Lkg won round 4 with paper vs rock. Lkg tied up the game.

Round 5

rock vs rock
These people are always selecting rock!
scissors vs scissors
What? Don't keep using scissors.
scissors vs scissors
You people continue to using scissors.
paper vs paper
Everybody is always throwing paper.
scissors vs paper
Round 5 conquered by vampyrepain vs paper!


Game ended June 17th 2014 at 19:07 UTC