taha missaouinizar

taha missaoui wins!

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Ladder Result

taha missaoui moved 9429 places up to #2567 and gained 50.00 points.
nizar moved 6173 places down to #18124 and lost 25.00 points.

Round 1

spock vs scissors
Round 1 taken by taha missaoui vs scissors! It's no longer a draw!

Round 2

rock vs lizard
Taha missaoui coasted through round 2 with rock versus lizard!

Round 3

lizard vs scissors
Nizar succeeded in round 3 with scissors against lizard. Taha missaoui is giving up their edge in this game!

Round 4

spock vs spock
What is with all the spock!
scissors vs paper
Paper wipes out scissors! Wait? scissors rips apart paper.

Good matchup. Taha missaoui has done it 3 - 1.

Game ended January 7th 2019 at 14:29 UTC