Game ended in a draw after neither player acted within 24 hours.

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs paper
Nox has won round 1! Paper wipes out rock!

Round 2

paper vs paper
ZiXTER and nox each tried paper!
paper vs scissors
Nox won with scissors and that beats paper.

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
Zzzzzz. Scissors? !
rock vs scissors
ZiXTER won round 3 with rock up against scissors! Nox is is waving goodbye to their edge in the game!

Round 4

rock vs scissors
Round 4 went wrong for nox with an idiotic scissors. It's all to play for now that it's all square.

Round 5

scissors vs scissors
These people continue to trying scissors.
rock vs rock
Everyone is always trying rock!
rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Seriously?.
rock vs rock
ZiXTER and nox each tried rock.
rock vs paper
Nox has won round 5! Paper rips apart rock.

Round 6

scissors vs paper
Round 6 went wrong for nox using a pointless paper. Nox is no longer in front.

Round 7

rock vs rock
What's with the obsession with rock.
scissors vs rock
Round 7 went wrong for ZiXTER with a pointless scissors.

Round 8

paper vs rock
Round 8 won by ZiXTER versus rock. ZiXTER is right back in the match!

Game ended!

Game ended November 24th 2018 at 02:30 UTC