Wintermute wins!
paper | vs | rock |
Round 1 taken by Ontheschneid with an effective paper! Ontheschneid is now in front. |
scissors | vs | rock |
Wintermute succeeded in round 2 with rock up against scissors. Ontheschneid has given up their lead. |
paper | vs | paper |
Ontheschneid and Wintermute both selected paper. | ||
paper | vs | rock |
Wintermute picked rock however failed to beat paper! The tied game has been broken by Ontheschneid! |
scissors | vs | rock |
Round 4 conquered by Wintermute with an effective rock. |
rock | vs | rock |
Zzzz. Rock? Boooooring! | ||
paper | vs | scissors |
Round 5 went down the drain for Ontheschneid with a hopeless paper! |
Nice game. Wintermute has won it 3 - 2!
Game ended May 22nd 2014 at 18:16 UTC