
TAS wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

samuelthebrian moved 17 places down to #201 and lost 5.00 points.
TAS stayed at #20 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

paper vs rock
Samuelthebrian succeeded in round 1 with paper against rock! The tie has been broken by samuelthebrian.

Round 2

paper vs scissors
TAS won round 2 with scissors up against paper!

Round 3

rock vs paper
Round 3 belongs to TAS with a great paper! Samuelthebrian has put themselves behind!

Round 4

rock vs scissors
Samuelthebrian has only gone and taken round 4! Rock destroys scissors. Samuelthebrian is right back in the match!

Round 5

scissors vs scissors
Everybody continues trying scissors!
paper vs paper
Samuelthebrian and TAS each selected paper!
scissors vs scissors
Everybody keeps throwing scissors!
scissors vs rock
Samuelthebrian selected scissors however fell flat against rock!

2 - 3. That's it. It's done!

Game ended September 30th 2018 at 22:22 UTC