Alt of Tortoise (#1 on ladder)Marvin

Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Alt of Tortoise (#1 on ladder) stayed at #9 and lost 5.00 points.
Marvin stayed at #2 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

lizard vs lizard
Seriously? Stop picking lizard!
rock vs spock
Round 1 won by Marvin using a brilliant spock.

Round 2

paper vs rock
Alt of Tortoise (#1 on ladder) has only gone and won it! Paper destroys rock.

Round 3

spock vs spock
Really? Don't keep choosing spock!
scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. So predictable.
lizard vs scissors
Alt of Tortoise (#1 on ladder) failed with lizard up against scissors. The tie has been broken by Marvin!

Round 4

rock vs spock
Round 4 belongs to Marvin using a genius spock.

Good play. Marvin has done it 3 - 1!

Game ended June 24th 2018 at 02:20 UTC