
Tortoise wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Tortoise stayed at #3 and gained 10.00 points.
Wintermute stayed at #5 and lost 5.00 points.

Round 1

spock vs spock
You people are always throwing spock!
paper vs paper
Paper? paper. So predictable.
scissors vs spock
Scissors defeats spock! Wait? spock wipes out scissors. Wintermute has put themselves ahead!

Round 2

paper vs spock
Tortoise used paper which beats spock!

Round 3

lizard vs spock
Tortoise coasted through round 3 with lizard versus spock!

Round 4

rock vs paper
Round 4 belongs to Wintermute with an effective paper!

Round 5

scissors vs lizard
Tortoise took round 5 with scissors versus lizard.

3 - 2. That is it. It's done!

Game ended June 20th 2018 at 20:56 UTC