
Tortoise wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Tortoise stayed at #2 and gained 44.75 points.
Marvin stayed at #3 and lost 22.38 points.

Round 1

rock vs scissors
Tortoise succeeded in round 1 with rock up against scissors. Tortoise is ahead.

Round 2

scissors vs rock
Round 2 belongs to Marvin with a well played rock!

Round 3

paper vs rock
Tortoise has gone and taken round 3! Paper defeats rock!

Round 4

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Pick something else.
rock vs rock
What is with all the rock.
rock vs scissors
Marvin flopped with scissors up against rock.

Nice match. Tortoise has done it 3 - 1!

Game ended June 20th 2018 at 18:23 UTC