
pzrposeti wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

efek070707 moved 9595 places down to #17256 and lost 25.00 points.
pzrposeti moved 5347 places up to #2357 and gained 50.00 points.

Round 1

paper vs scissors
Pzrposeti won with scissors and that defeats paper! Pzrposeti is in front.

Round 2

rock vs rock
Zzzzzz. Rock? Boooooring.
rock vs paper
Pzrposeti has gone and won it! Paper defeats rock.

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
What? Stop picking scissors!
paper vs paper
Seriously? Stop selecting paper.
rock vs scissors
Efek070707 has gone and done it! Rock beats scissors!

Round 4

scissors vs rock
Efek070707 chose scissors however couldn't beat rock!

Nice matchup. Pzrposeti has taken it 3 - 1!

Game ended June 4th 2018 at 15:33 UTC