HAL wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

GHOSTPIRATE stayed at #9 and lost 5.00 points.
HAL stayed at #6 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

paper vs paper
Everyone is always using paper!
scissors vs paper
Round 1 lost by HAL with an idiotic paper! GHOSTPIRATE has put themselves ahead.

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Round 2 belongs to GHOSTPIRATE against scissors!

Round 3

paper vs scissors
Round 3 conquered by HAL using an effective scissors! GHOSTPIRATE is losing their advantage in this match.

Round 4

paper vs scissors
Round 4 won by HAL up against paper!

Round 5

rock vs paper
Round 5 lost by GHOSTPIRATE with a ridiculous rock! HAL has put themselves ahead!

Excellent matchup. HAL has done it 3 - 2!

Game ended April 26th 2018 at 14:14 UTC