Wintermute wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

GHOSTPIRATE moved 1 place down to #63 and lost 5.00 points.
Wintermute moved 1 place up to #8 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

paper vs paper
GHOSTPIRATE and Wintermute each threw paper!
paper vs paper
What's with all the paper.
rock vs rock
Zzz. Rock? So predictable.
paper vs paper
GHOSTPIRATE and Wintermute each picked paper!
rock vs rock
What? Stop picking rock.
paper vs paper
What is with all the paper!
paper vs rock
Round 1 conquered by GHOSTPIRATE using a well played paper!

Round 2

paper vs scissors
Round 2 won by Wintermute with a well played scissors!

Round 3

rock vs scissors
Wintermute picked scissors however couldn't beat rock! GHOSTPIRATE has put themselves in the lead.

Round 4

rock vs paper
Rock beats paper! No wait! Paper rips apart rock!

Round 5

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Once again.
scissors vs rock
Scissors rips apart rock! No wait! Rock beats scissors! GHOSTPIRATE has put themselves behind!

2 - 3. That is it. It's finished!

Game ended April 25th 2018 at 19:12 UTC