
Game won by Marvin after 8714732 failed to act in time.

Start your own game

Ladder Result

8714732 moved 15 places up to #9 and gained 363.05 points.
Marvin moved 1 place up to #7 and gained 43.91 points.

Round 1

lizard vs spock
Round 1 won by 8714732 up against spock!

Round 2

lizard vs paper
Round 2 conquered by 8714732 using a great lizard. 8714732 expands their lead!

Round 3

lizard vs scissors
Round 3 lost by 8714732 using a hopeless lizard.

Round 4

lizard vs lizard
Zzz. Lizard? Seriously?.
lizard vs scissors
Round 4 went wrong for 8714732 using an ineffective lizard! Marvin equalized the game!

Game ended!

Game ended April 20th 2018 at 02:30 UTC