Ilmale Vedrai li becchi!

Vedrai li becchi! wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs rock
Again? Stop choosing rock!
rock vs paper
Vedrai li becchi! has won round 1! Paper defeats rock.

Round 2

paper vs paper
These people are always throwing paper.
rock vs rock
Everybody keeps selecting rock.
paper vs paper
What's with the obsession with paper.
scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. Once again.
paper vs scissors
Paper takes down scissors! No! Scissors rips apart paper! Ilmale is in big trouble !

Round 3

paper vs scissors
Round 3 taken by Vedrai li becchi! Up against paper.

0 - 3. That's it. It's done.

Game ended March 28th 2018 at 10:21 UTC