
SantaCreeper wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

PepziKidPlayzLTaker moved 5 places down to #61 and lost 27.84 points.
SantaCreeper moved 7 places up to #53 and gained 55.68 points.

Round 1

paper vs scissors
PepziKidPlayzLTaker failed with paper versus scissors! It's no longer tied.

Round 2

lizard vs lizard
Really? Stop choosing lizard!
scissors vs spock
SantaCreeper has only gone and won it! Spock rips apart scissors. PepziKidPlayzLTaker is in big trouble .

Round 3

rock vs paper
Round 3 taken by SantaCreeper using an effective paper!

0 - 3. That's it. It's all over.

Game ended March 6th 2018 at 00:57 UTC