
PepziKidPlayzLTaker wins!

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Ladder Result

SantaCreeper moved 87 places down to #476 and lost 29.73 points.
PepziKidPlayzLTaker moved 227 places up to #320 and gained 59.47 points.

Round 1

scissors vs scissors
Again? Stop selecting scissors!
scissors vs rock
SantaCreeper lost with scissors against rock.

Round 2

paper vs paper
SantaCreeper and PepziKidPlayzLTaker each used paper!
rock vs paper
Rock takes down paper! Wait? paper wipes out rock. PepziKidPlayzLTaker is expanding their lead.

Round 3

scissors vs paper
SantaCreeper selected scissors and that destroys paper! SantaCreeper reduces the scoreline to 1 - 2!

Round 4

rock vs rock
Why? Don't keep throwing rock!
scissors vs rock
PepziKidPlayzLTaker has gone and won round 4! Rock beats scissors. PepziKidPlayzLTaker adds to their advantage.

Excellent game. PepziKidPlayzLTaker has done it 3 - 1.

Game ended March 4th 2018 at 03:27 UTC