
marscet wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Zrapeshow moved 3 places down to #44 and lost 26.82 points.
marscet moved 4 places up to #38 and gained 53.64 points.

Round 1

paper vs scissors
Round 1 lost by Zrapeshow using an idiotic paper!

Round 2

rock vs paper
Marscet has only gone and done it! Paper destroys rock.

Round 3

rock vs scissors
Marscet failed with scissors against rock! Zrapeshow reduced the scoreline to 1 - 2!

Round 4

scissors vs rock
Marscet tried rock and that defeats scissors!

1 - 3. That's it. It's finished!

Game ended February 20th 2014 at 03:57 UTC