
marscet wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Zrapeshow moved 4 places down to #75 and lost 20.47 points.
marscet moved 8 places up to #51 and gained 40.93 points.

Round 1

scissors vs paper
Zrapeshow coasted through round 1 with scissors versus paper! Zrapeshow has put themselves in the lead!

Round 2

rock vs paper
Marscet has only gone and won it! Paper beats rock.

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
Zzzz. Scissors? Boooooring.
paper vs paper
Zrapeshow and marscet each picked paper!
rock vs paper
Round 3 conquered by marscet using a genius paper.

Round 4

scissors vs scissors
What's with all the scissors!
paper vs paper
Zzz. Paper? So predictable.
rock vs rock
Zrapeshow and marscet each threw rock.
paper vs paper
Why? Stop choosing paper!
rock vs paper
Round 4 went down the drain for Zrapeshow using an idiotic rock!

1 - 3. That is it. It's all over.

Game ended February 18th 2014 at 05:58 UTC