
fishelstixsuxs wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

fishelstixsuxs stayed at #5 and gained 10.00 points.
HAL stayed at #24 and lost 20.00 points.

Round 1

rock vs rock
These people keep trying rock.
rock vs paper
Round 1 lost by fishelstixsuxs with a pointless rock!

Round 2

rock vs scissors
HAL missed with scissors versus rock.

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
These people keep picking scissors.
rock vs rock
Rock? rock. So predictable!
scissors vs paper
Fishelstixsuxs choose scissors and that defeats paper!

Round 4

paper vs rock
HAL selected rock but fell flat against paper.

Good game. Fishelstixsuxs has won 3 - 1.

Game ended February 10th 2014 at 04:40 UTC