BerkBu kim aq

Berk wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs rock
Berk and Bu kim aq each threw rock!
paper vs scissors
Paper wipes out scissors! No! Scissors wipes out paper.

Round 2

scissors vs paper
Bu kim aq lost with paper vs scissors. Berk tied up the game!

Round 3

rock vs rock
Everyone keeps picking rock!
scissors vs rock
Scissors wipes out rock! Wait? rock beats scissors!

Round 4

rock vs scissors
Berk has only gone and won it! Rock beats scissors.

Round 5

scissors vs paper
Round 5 lost by Bu kim aq using a ridiculous paper! Berk has taken the lead!

Excellent set. Berk has taken it 3 - 2.

Game ended January 18th 2018 at 20:42 UTC