
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

SpykerFX stayed at #6 and lost 5.21 points.
Marvin stayed at #4 and gained 10.41 points.

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Scissors wipes out rock! Wait? rock beats scissors.

Round 2

paper vs lizard
SpykerFX threw paper however lost to lizard! Marvin is expanding their advantage!

Round 3

paper vs paper
What's with all the paper!
spock vs rock
SpykerFX has done it! Spock wipes out rock. Marvin is is waving goodbye to their lead in this game.

Round 4

paper vs lizard
SpykerFX failed with paper vs lizard!

Great set. Marvin has won 3 - 1.

Game ended January 12th 2018 at 01:23 UTC