
Otothakay wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Otothakay moved 7 places up to #17 and gained 100.00 points.
HAL stayed at #5 and lost 50.00 points.

Round 1

paper vs paper
Otothakay and HAL each picked paper!
paper vs rock
Round 1 went wrong for HAL using a pointless rock. HAL has fallen behind!

Round 2

paper vs paper
Otothakay and HAL each selected paper.
rock vs paper
Rock defeats paper! No! Paper defeats rock!

Round 3

paper vs rock
Round 3 taken by Otothakay with a genius paper! Otothakay is currently ahead.

Round 4

paper vs rock
Round 4 went wrong for HAL using a ridiculous rock. Otothakay is expanding their advantage!

3 - 1. That's it. It's finished.

Game ended January 11th 2018 at 16:54 UTC