
henrymisternye wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

henrytherockmunson moved 664 places down to #1142 and lost 29.69 points.
henrymisternye moved 817 places up to #330 and gained 59.38 points.

Round 1

rock vs scissors
Henrytherockmunson threw rock which is better than scissors!

Round 2

rock vs paper
Henrytherockmunson selected rock but fell flat against paper. Henrymisternye made it all square!

Round 3

rock vs paper
Rock beats paper! Wait? paper beats rock! The tied game has been broken by henrymisternye!

Round 4

rock vs paper
Henrytherockmunson picked rock but couldn't beat paper.

1 - 3. That's it. It's done!

Game ended February 5th 2014 at 03:14 UTC