burakcan officialÇetin

burakcan official wins!

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Ladder Result

burakcan official moved 238 places up to #195 and gained 93.92 points.
Çetin moved 36 places down to #151 and lost 46.96 points.

Round 1

lizard vs paper
Çetin failed with paper vs lizard! It's no longer a draw.

Round 2

rock vs lizard
Çetin lost with lizard vs rock!

Round 3

scissors vs spock
Çetin won with spock which is better than scissors!

Round 4

spock vs spock
Spock? spock. Boring.
paper vs spock
Round 4 went down the drain for Çetin with a pointless spock!

3 - 1. That is it. It's done!

Game ended December 18th 2017 at 19:38 UTC