burakcan officialÇetin

Çetin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

burakcan official moved 175 places down to #730 and lost 18.16 points.
Çetin moved 119 places up to #251 and gained 36.32 points.

Round 1

paper vs scissors
Çetin choose scissors which destroys paper! Çetin has put themselves ahead!

Round 2

rock vs rock
You people keep choosing rock!
rock vs rock
What's with the obsession with rock.
rock vs scissors
Burakcan official coasted through round 2 with rock against scissors.

Round 3

paper vs rock
Burakcan official has won it! Paper takes down rock. Çetin has put themselves behind!

Round 4

rock vs rock
You people continue to selecting rock.
scissors vs scissors
Zzzzzz. Scissors? Boooooring.
rock vs paper
Rock takes down paper! Wait? paper destroys rock!

Round 5

rock vs paper
Çetin took round 5 with paper up against rock. Burakcan official has gone behind.


Game ended December 18th 2017 at 19:29 UTC