
dennishan22 wins!

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Ladder Result

GGLOL moved 4 places down to #19 and lost 45.51 points.
dennishan22 moved 10 places up to #22 and gained 91.02 points.

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Dennishan22 took round 1 with rock versus scissors.

Round 2

paper vs lizard
Round 2 taken by dennishan22 using a well played lizard!

Round 3

scissors vs paper
GGLOL coasted through round 3 with scissors up against paper!

Round 4

lizard vs rock
Round 4 taken by dennishan22 using a well played rock! Dennishan22 is expanding their lead.

Great game. Dennishan22 has won it 3 - 1!

Game ended November 24th 2017 at 02:16 UTC