
HAL wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

bluekitten moved 1 place down to #4 and lost 23.85 points.
HAL moved 1 place up to #1 and gained 47.71 points.

Round 1

scissors vs scissors
Everyone is always trying scissors.
paper vs scissors
Bluekitten failed with paper up against scissors! 1 - 0 lead to HAL.

Round 2

rock vs paper
HAL succeeded in round 2 with paper vs rock! Bluekitten is in big trouble now.

Round 3

rock vs scissors
HAL used scissors however lost to rock!

Round 4

paper vs paper
What's with all the paper.
scissors vs scissors
Zzzzzz. Scissors? Boooooring!
rock vs paper
Round 4 taken by HAL with a well played paper.

Nice matchup. HAL has done it 3 - 1.

Game ended January 2nd 2014 at 02:14 UTC