
bluekitten wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

bluekitten moved 7 places up to #7 and gained 59.78 points.
Marvin moved 7 places down to #14 and lost 29.89 points.

Round 1

scissors vs paper
Round 1 taken by bluekitten up against paper! Bluekitten is currently in front.

Round 2

paper vs scissors
Bluekitten used paper but failed to beat scissors.

Round 3

paper vs scissors
Round 3 won by Marvin with a great scissors.

Round 4

scissors vs paper
Bluekitten has gone and done it! Scissors takes down paper!

Round 5

rock vs rock
Bluekitten and Marvin both used rock!
rock vs scissors
Bluekitten used rock which destroys scissors.

3 - 2. That is it. It's done.

Game ended January 2nd 2014 at 01:46 UTC