
bluekitten wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

bluekitten moved 7 places up to #8 and gained 76.26 points.
HAL moved 2 places down to #9 and lost 38.13 points.

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Bluekitten flopped with scissors up against rock.

Round 2

paper vs rock
Bluekitten choose paper and that destroys rock. Bluekitten is right back in fight!

Round 3

rock vs rock
Zzzzzz. Rock? Seriously?!
scissors vs paper
HAL used paper but couldn't beat scissors! Bluekitten is currently in the lead!

Round 4

paper vs paper
What is with the obsession with paper!
rock vs rock
These people continue to choosing rock!
scissors vs paper
Bluekitten has won round 4! Scissors destroys paper!

Great match. Bluekitten has won 3 - 1!

Game ended January 2nd 2014 at 01:44 UTC