
HAL wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

bluekitten moved 4 places down to #12 and lost 35.33 points.
HAL moved 3 places up to #11 and gained 70.67 points.

Round 1

paper vs rock
Bluekitten has only gone and won it! Paper destroys rock!

Round 2

paper vs scissors
HAL used scissors which is better than paper! Bluekitten is no longer in the lead!

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
Zzzz. Scissors? Pick something else!
paper vs rock
Bluekitten has only gone and won it! Paper wipes out rock! It's no longer all square.

Round 4

scissors vs scissors
Why? Stop picking scissors.
paper vs scissors
HAL has only gone and done it! Scissors rips apart paper! Bluekitten has said goodbye to their edge.

Round 5

rock vs paper
HAL choose paper and that beats rock!

Great matchup. HAL has done it 3 - 2!

Game ended January 2nd 2014 at 01:17 UTC