
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

mohmmad moved 39 places down to #983 and lost 20.00 points.
Marvin moved 1 place up to #17 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

rock vs paper
Mohmmad chose rock however couldn't beat paper. Marvin has put themselves ahead.

Round 2

scissors vs paper
Round 2 belongs to mohmmad using a genius scissors!

Round 3

rock vs rock
What is with all the rock!
scissors vs scissors
Everybody is always using scissors.
paper vs scissors
Marvin won round 3 with scissors vs paper! It's no longer all square.

Round 4

rock vs rock
What? Stop picking rock!
rock vs rock
Everybody keeps selecting rock.
rock vs scissors
Marvin failed with scissors up against rock!

Round 5

paper vs scissors
Marvin has only gone and won round 5! Scissors defeats paper!

Great set. Marvin has won 3 - 2.

Game ended November 24th 2013 at 20:41 UTC