
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

harunyüksel moved 288 places down to #13783 and lost 23.28 points.
Marvin moved 3361 places up to #1318 and gained 46.57 points.

Round 1

paper vs paper
Zzzzzz. Paper? Once again!
paper vs paper
Zzz. Paper? Boooooring!
scissors vs rock
Harunyüksel missed with scissors vs rock! Marvin is now in the lead.

Round 2

rock vs paper
Round 2 lost by harunyüksel with a pointless rock. Harunyüksel has problems here.

Round 3

paper vs scissors
Round 3 taken by Marvin with a brilliant scissors.

Excellent match. Marvin has done it 3 - 0.

Game ended June 15th 2017 at 22:22 UTC