
ARIQ wins!

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Ladder Result

ARIQ moved 330 places up to #561 and gained 19.53 points.
hafiy moved 14 places down to #12957 and lost 9.77 points.

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Hafiy took round 1 with rock up against scissors!

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Scissors takes down rock! Wait? rock beats scissors! It's all to play for now .

Round 3

scissors vs paper
Hafiy flopped with paper vs scissors. Hafiy has put themselves behind!

Round 4

rock vs rock
Again? Stop throwing rock!
rock vs rock
ARIQ and hafiy both used rock!
rock vs rock
ARIQ and hafiy both threw rock.
rock vs scissors
ARIQ won round 4 with rock vs scissors.

Great game. ARIQ has taken it 3 - 1!

Game ended May 9th 2017 at 05:40 UTC