Emre Doruk ÖzcanTuğragamers

Tuğragamers wins!

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Round 1

paper vs scissors
Emre Doruk Özcan picked paper but failed to beat scissors.

Round 2

rock vs paper
Emre Doruk Özcan failed with rock against paper! Tuğragamers is expanding their lead!

Round 3

rock vs rock
Rock? rock. Seriously?!
paper vs rock
Rock defeats paper! Is that right? No! Paper beats rock. Emre Doruk Özcan is making it back into the match.

Round 4

rock vs scissors
Emre Doruk Özcan succeeded in round 4 with rock up against scissors! It's all to play for now !

Round 5

scissors vs rock
Round 5 lost by Emre Doruk Özcan with an useless scissors!

Great matchup. Tuğragamers has taken it 3 - 2.

Game ended April 5th 2017 at 11:44 UTC