
Kingturtle77 wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Kingturtle77 moved 1 place up to #7 and gained 33.20 points.
HAL moved 1 place down to #12 and lost 16.60 points.

Round 1

rock vs scissors
Kingturtle77 took round 1 with rock against scissors. 1 - 0 lead for Kingturtle77.

Round 2

scissors vs scissors
Kingturtle77 and HAL each picked scissors.
paper vs paper
Everybody keeps selecting paper!
scissors vs rock
Round 2 belongs to HAL using a well played rock. HAL tied!

Round 3

rock vs rock
Kingturtle77 and HAL both selected rock!
rock vs rock
Kingturtle77 and HAL both used rock!
scissors vs paper
Kingturtle77 coasted through round 3 with scissors against paper! 2 - 1 lead for Kingturtle77.

Round 4

paper vs rock
Round 4 lost by HAL using an idiotic rock!

Excellent game. Kingturtle77 has done it 3 - 1!

Game ended May 30th 2013 at 13:26 UTC