
Kingturtle77 wins!

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Ladder Result

Kingturtle77 moved 3 places up to #4 and gained 102.73 points.
Wintermute moved 2 places up to #10 and gained 64.56 points.

Round 1

paper vs rock
Kingturtle77 has won it! Paper beats rock.

Round 2

scissors vs rock
Round 2 won by Wintermute up against scissors. Kingturtle77 is no longer in the lead!

Round 3

rock vs paper
Round 3 conquered by Wintermute versus rock!

Round 4

scissors vs paper
Round 4 taken by Kingturtle77 with a genius scissors! Kingturtle77 tied.

Round 5

paper vs paper
Paper? paper. Boring.
scissors vs scissors
What's with all the scissors.
scissors vs scissors
What's with the obsession with scissors.
scissors vs scissors
Really? Stop choosing scissors.
scissors vs paper
Kingturtle77 succeeded in round 5 with scissors up against paper.

Excellent set. Kingturtle77 has won it 3 - 2!

Game ended May 31st 2013 at 09:23 UTC