
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Kingturtle77 moved 2 places down to #10 and lost 15.90 points.
Marvin stayed at #4 and gained 31.79 points.

Round 1

scissors vs rock
Marvin won with rock and that beats scissors!

Round 2

scissors vs rock
Scissors rips apart rock! No! Rock destroys scissors!

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
What? Stop trying scissors!
rock vs scissors
Marvin chose scissors however lost to rock! Marvin is losing their lead in this match!

Round 4

paper vs paper
Everyone is always trying paper!
scissors vs rock
Scissors beats rock! Is that right? No! Rock takes down scissors!

1 - 3. That's it. It's over.

Game ended May 30th 2013 at 08:41 UTC