
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Kingturtle77 moved 2 places down to #11 and lost 31.86 points.
Marvin moved 3 places up to #8 and gained 63.73 points.

Round 1

scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. Seriously?!
scissors vs scissors
Again? Stop using scissors!
scissors vs scissors
What is with the obsession with scissors.
paper vs scissors
Round 1 went down the drain for Kingturtle77 using an idiotic paper. Marvin is in the lead!

Round 2

paper vs paper
Zzzzzz. Paper? Once again.
scissors vs rock
Marvin won with rock and that is better than scissors.

Round 3

rock vs scissors
Kingturtle77 used rock and that defeats scissors. Marvin is giving up their advantage in the game!

Round 4

paper vs paper
These people are always picking paper.
scissors vs paper
Round 4 conquered by Kingturtle77 using a genius scissors! Kingturtle77 is right back in the matchup!

Round 5

paper vs scissors
Marvin coasted through round 5 with scissors versus paper.

Excellent set. Marvin has done it 3 - 2!

Game ended May 28th 2013 at 19:07 UTC