JMD wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

JMD stayed at #2 and gained 10.00 points.
HAL stayed at #10 and lost 20.00 points.

Round 1

rock vs rock
JMD and HAL both chose rock!
rock vs paper
Round 1 won by HAL with an effective paper!

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Scissors destroys rock! Wait? rock beats scissors! HAL has given up their lead.

Round 3

rock vs rock
Everybody continues trying rock!
rock vs rock
Zzzz. Rock? !
rock vs scissors
HAL flopped with scissors against rock!

Round 4

rock vs scissors
Round 4 went wrong for HAL using a pointless scissors!

3 - 1. That's it. It's finished.

Game ended June 12th 2012 at 01:02 UTC