
Wintermute wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Siri32 stayed at #6 and lost 50.00 points.
Wintermute moved 6 places up to #12 and gained 100.00 points.

Round 1

paper vs paper
Zzzz. Paper? Boring.
scissors vs scissors
Zzzzzz. Scissors? Seriously?.
rock vs paper
Rock wipes out paper! Is that right? No! Paper takes down rock. The tie has been broken by Wintermute!

Round 2

paper vs rock
Siri32 won round 2 with paper against rock.

Round 3

scissors vs rock
Round 3 won by Wintermute using an effective rock.

Round 4

paper vs rock
Round 4 lost by Wintermute using an idiotic rock!

Round 5

paper vs scissors
Round 5 lost by Siri32 with an ineffective paper!

Great set. Wintermute has done it 3 - 2.

Game ended May 31st 2012 at 17:25 UTC