
Edvin1337 wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Serc96 moved 251 places down to #762 and lost 34.93 points.
Edvin1337 moved 848 places up to #602 and gained 69.87 points.

Round 1

scissors vs scissors
Everyone is always picking scissors!
scissors vs scissors
Everyone keeps trying scissors!
paper vs paper
Paper? paper. So predictable.
scissors vs rock
Edvin1337 has only gone and taken round 1! Rock rips apart scissors!

Round 2

rock vs paper
Serc96 flopped with rock against paper. Edvin1337 ups their advantage.

Round 3

paper vs rock
Edvin1337 flopped with rock vs paper.

Round 4

paper vs scissors
Edvin1337 has won round 4! Scissors takes down paper.

1 - 3. That is it. It's over.

Game ended March 17th 2016 at 11:29 UTC