
Tema wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Tema moved 92 places up to #81 and gained 122.65 points.
Marvin moved 67 places down to #208 and lost 69.15 points.

Round 1

paper vs paper
Tema and Marvin both chose paper.
scissors vs paper
Tema has won it! Scissors rips apart paper. Tema is in the lead.

Round 2

paper vs rock
Tema won with paper which is better than rock!

Round 3

rock vs rock
Tema and Marvin both chose rock.
scissors vs scissors
Everyone continues choosing scissors.
paper vs paper
These people continue to throwing paper.
paper vs paper
Tema and Marvin each chose paper.
scissors vs rock
Round 3 won by Marvin with an effective rock! Tema is is waving goodbye to their lead in this game.

Round 4

paper vs paper
What's with all the paper!
scissors vs paper
Tema has won round 4! Scissors beats paper.

Great play. Tema has won it 3 - 1!

Game ended September 30th 2015 at 11:59 UTC