
ebadboy wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

rock vs rock
These people are always picking rock!
paper vs rock
Tommy95 choose paper and that is better than rock!

Round 2

rock vs scissors
Tommy95 has gone and taken round 2! Rock destroys scissors.

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
Again? Don't keep picking scissors.
paper vs paper
Paper? paper. Boooooring.
paper vs scissors
Paper destroys scissors! Oh? scissors wipes out paper! Ebadboy changed the edge to 2 - 1.

Round 4

rock vs rock
Everyone is always using rock.
scissors vs rock
Ebadboy has only gone and done it! Rock rips apart scissors!

Round 5

rock vs paper
Round 5 conquered by ebadboy vs rock.

Excellent game. Ebadboy has taken it 3 - 2.

Game ended September 15th 2015 at 05:03 UTC