
princesssasha wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. Pick something else!
scissors vs scissors
What's with all the scissors!
scissors vs paper
Yoshimyonesies chose paper but couldn't beat scissors. Princesssasha has put themselves in the lead!

Round 2

paper vs rock
Round 2 conquered by princesssasha using a brilliant paper. Princesssasha is pulling away.

Round 3

rock vs rock
Zzzzzz. Rock? Seriously?.
scissors vs rock
Scissors takes down rock! Wait? rock rips apart scissors!

Round 4

scissors vs rock
Yoshimyonesies tried rock which destroys scissors. Yoshimyonesies tied up the matchup.

Round 5

rock vs scissors
Round 5 belongs to princesssasha with an effective rock!

Excellent match. Princesssasha has taken it 3 - 2.

Game ended July 4th 2015 at 19:09 UTC