
Keegan320 wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

paper vs scissors
Jacob320 failed with paper versus scissors. Keegan320 has put themselves in the lead!

Round 2

paper vs scissors
Round 2 went down the drain for Jacob320 using a hopeless paper.

Round 3

scissors vs paper
Jacob320 choose scissors which destroys paper.

Round 4

paper vs paper
What? Don't keep choosing paper!
rock vs rock
Why? Stop trying rock!
scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. Seriously?!
scissors vs scissors
Everybody is always throwing scissors.
paper vs paper
Jacob320 and Keegan320 each selected paper.
scissors vs scissors
You people keep picking scissors.
scissors vs rock
Keegan320 picked rock and that defeats scissors.

Good matchup. Keegan320 has won 3 - 1!

Game ended November 9th 2010 at 04:42 UTC