
Marvin wins!

Start your own game

Ladder Result

Asinthe moved 4 places down to #226 and lost 5.00 points.
Marvin stayed at #17 and gained 10.00 points.

Round 1

rock vs rock
Zzzz. Rock? Boring.
rock vs rock
Zzzzzz. Rock? !
scissors vs scissors
Asinthe and Marvin each threw scissors.
paper vs scissors
Marvin won round 1 with scissors versus paper! Marvin is now in the lead!

Round 2

scissors vs scissors
You people keep choosing scissors!
rock vs rock
Asinthe and Marvin both tried rock.
paper vs paper
Asinthe and Marvin each selected paper!
rock vs paper
Marvin selected paper and that defeats rock!

Round 3

scissors vs scissors
Zzz. Scissors? Boooooring!
paper vs paper
Paper? paper. .
scissors vs rock
Round 3 lost by Asinthe using a hopeless scissors. Asinthe has problems now.

Excellent play. Marvin has won 3 - 0!

Game ended May 18th 2019 at 20:50 UTC