
Tortoise wins!

Start your own game

Round 1

scissors vs paper
Paper defeats scissors! Oh? scissors beats paper. Tortoise has put themselves in the lead!

Round 2

paper vs scissors
Paper beats scissors! No! Scissors wipes out paper. Tortoise has given up their edge!

Round 3

rock vs paper
Achilles succeeded in round 3 with paper vs rock.

Round 4

scissors vs rock
Tortoise missed with scissors up against rock. Achilles ups their lead!

Round 5

rock vs scissors
Tortoise used rock and that is better than scissors! Tortoise reduces the scoreline to 2 - 3.

Round 6

scissors vs paper
Achilles flopped with paper versus scissors!

Round 7

rock vs paper
Round 7 won by Achilles vs rock. Tortoise has put themselves behind.

Round 8

scissors vs scissors
Scissors? scissors. .
scissors vs scissors
You people are always picking scissors.
paper vs paper
Paper? paper. So predictable!
rock vs scissors
Round 8 won by Tortoise with a great rock. Tortoise equalized the matchup!

Round 9

scissors vs paper
Round 9 taken by Tortoise using a genius scissors!

Great set. Tortoise has taken it 5 - 4.

Game ended April 26th 2024 at 14:09 UTC